I went out for lunch today and it was a bit nice, so I decided to walk a DC block or two downtown. I had gotten about a half block down when a middle aged man in suit, who was sitting on a bench talking to another man, stopped his conversation to tell me he liked my hair. He said it was very nice. That made me happy, after being
asked to straighten it yesterday :-( Annnnd it's in day 5 old twists.

I was near a CVS and decided to go take a stroll down the cosmetics aisle. Nothing astonishing. I wandered into the hair stuff aisle and I can not find the Suave Naturals Coconut conditioner anywhere! I have heard it's awesome as a leave in and want to try it. I also noted they had the large tub of ecostyler for $5, which is about $1.50 overpriced compared the the store by my house. Anyway. My sole purchase was a bottle of vitamin e oil to mix into a hair spray concoction I plan to make.
I go to check out and the very freindly, older white man behind the counter tells me he likes my hair. Then he asked how long it took. I said two hrs to keep it simple. He jokes "well what do you do for those two hours? can't be just that". I said "watch a movie" and we laughed. It was a pleasent exchange. I walked out still feeling great. I feel different that most folks still, and as usual, but I feel accepted today. And now for the twist out tomorrow. Stay tuned!
I live in the DMV also!!! Getting nice comments always boost my confidence. :-)