I am tempted to write "this never happens" or "this is a first for me" but I know my memory is just clouded by the many times it has NOT lasted. I have gotten such wear out of professionally done presses before. I think there are two variables that make a press last vrs languish.
One is care and maintenance. If I spend $60-80 to have my hair pressed (yes... ridiculous and unfair) I am NOT going to let it revert on my watch. I will bird bath, high-ponytail and wrap my hair till I become a very different person entirely.
So the second factor is going back to old tried and true "relaxed hair" products. Cones, and waxes and petroleum... (the devil is a liar!) I have to put away the shea butter, and natural oils and do everything I can to keep moisture OUT.
So this time around what did I do? I used Murrays Beeswax. I did. And it worked miracles on fuzzing hair on the next day wrap release. MIRACLES! If ever I press my hair again, I am going to use murrays wax again. I will sing its praises. I will. I have fine hair, which usually does not like heavy product, but I needed it to control the wispyness I had going on. I have plenty of body, but blowing in the humid wind = no es bueno.
And the second thing I did was that I wrapped it while at home. I highponytailed it in lukewarm showers. I used flexi rods on the ends and wrapped it again every few days. I even bantu knotted it one night. I spent WAYYY more time caring for my hair than I ever do when it is coiled up. I hate that I had to do that, but I got 8 days. 8 days! so I acted as if I paid for the press and I got professional wear out of it.
Yeah ok I admit - it looks a lil waxy... lol but It was sooo shiny and behaving.
Below is a similar shot to the one above but a few days BEFORE I added the wax before wrapping my hair. See the difference? This press got better and better.
This below was the first day of wearing my pressed hair and it happened to coincide with getting my braces tightened :-(
I wore it in a ponytail to my appt because I didn't want anything to get in my hair, or in their way.
I wore it in a ponytail to my appt because I didn't want anything to get in my hair, or in their way.
I got grey bands this time, even though I have ceramic brackets, because I wanted to be able to eat curry, and cranberry, and coffee etc for the holidays and on a vacation I took to the Bahamas (next post!!)
This pic is also before the beeswax and petroleum pomade. My hair was light and fluffy and just waiting to revert. My hair is very fine, I think it's getting finer than I remember it being actually. So it really, really, wants to coil back up.
But then. Murrays. You saved me.
I went to an event a week after I'd pressed my hair and I was working the door. I knew I'd see everyone I ever knew lol, and I was kinda repping for an old school soulfull vibe, tribal paint and west indian food included... So I was like I can NOT wear my hair pressed. I even debated washing it early. What will I say to all the people who have not seen me in months? "It's just a press... really!" lol. Nah- I wrapped that bad-boy up. lol I felt ashamed.

And the Reversion. Got every single curl back. I slathered my hair with Vatika oil an hour before washing and put it in a bun. Then I used Giovannis 50/50 Shampoo with two lathers and then Herbal Essence Hello Hydration. My hair felt good!
I am working on a post about wax. I have been "studying" its effects on my hair for 6 months now and I must say it's a winner for me. The things people demonize it for seem not to apply to my fine hair. I
have a list of products that I use that contain it, and I was actually
put on this path by discovering the waxy commonality of a few products I
already had and loved.
The press looked really nice!
ReplyDeleteWow, your hair is so beautiful. I think the fourth pic up from the party picture is just adorable! My hair stays dry mostly and is pretty coarse, but I come to your site for inspiration and you never fail to bring it. I'm constantly looking for ways to style and moisturize my hair and your hairstyles are always of interest. Good luck with the braces, thanks for the post and happy holidays.
ReplyDeletejust wanted to let you know that the acne you have might be caused by all the products. a sure fire way to get rid of all acne is to take a washcloth and run warm-hotish water on it and quickly press it HARD on the acne (don't move it around just press), do it again on the next one etc etc BE CAREFUL not to have it too hot and only do it once per bump. (you're using heat and pressure to get rid of it) it's VERY tempting to do it twice but DON'T DON'T DON'T the very next morning your bump will be on it's way out. if it's not completely gone the next day do it again that morning and it will be gone within 24 hours. you can preventatively do this pressure warmth washcloth thing all over your face morning and night, but please be careful not to burn your face. the water should be warm to hotish when u put your hand under it not too hot to keep your hand under the faucet. good luck. also, thanks for the murray post. i borrowed some from my brother who uses it for his dreads. i'm absolutely elated at my old school press i got off of it with my flat iron - just like when i used to hot comb my hair when i was a kid. my hair is 100% af am (not mixed) but fine, nappy and reverts within minutes after flat ironing. i like the wax content of this product because it keeps moisture out. all grease type products cause acne tho so watch out and keep that stuff off your face and washcloth morning and night and your skin will be amazing good luck. p.s. i was really confused at your statement of being ashamed of having pressed hair and hiding it under a scarf, but oh well. i mean white women don't have to appologize for coloring or straightening their hair so why should we? do what you like and fuck the rest! good luck girl