Monday, January 25, 2010

I'm on TV! My Wash-and-Go at Yahzarah's show on Centric

LOL- My cousins have informed me that they show me all up close and personal twice during Yazarah's set :-) on Lyric Cafe. This aired on Centric, though when recorded it was for BET J. Yahzarah- aka Purple St James is a dope singer rocking a near-bald head with grace and pure hotness... and I need to go work out, she's killing the dress too.

Me at 57 seconds in. They show me again at about 4:02.


  1. wow, she's really talented! you looked great. i also saw tashica from hgtv's design star in the audience, too.

  2. she is a really great performer. i saw her perform with foreign exchange in d.c. you're hair looks great by the way.


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