Monday, May 17, 2010

I'm a homeowner!

I have been MIA for good reason. I just closed on my first home today! It's an older home in a historic neighborhood slated for tons of new retail in a newly designated arts district. Perfect for me, the artist!

I wore my hair in a triple low buns for closing today and it was the least of my worries. I have a lot of product I don't plan on taking with me, and I will be giving anything that is more than half full, away to friends and any other takers. Funny thing is- the products that are more than half full were those that were total failures. I'm not sure I'd even mislead anyone into the bad ingredients or broken promises they offer. The other interesting divide amongst the products is their origins on the regular store shelves at a CVS vrs special orders from the natural and curly hair fortress. I definatly have favorites and as part of my new financial plan, will limit my future spending to the tried and true.

I'm posting from my iPhone (lol- love this thing!) so not many Picts today! But I'll get back to them.

However, I do have a random tangent that's tickling my sci-fi fancy (if only I had time to do some writing):
I was thinking the other day- watching the mrs America pagent- about how and when the most coveted hair became blonde and long... It's odd. It's like- usually lacking more pigment than the skin even has. 4 of the runner ups had blonde hair, styled similarly which melded them all, except for the winner, into a pack of pagent contestents. But what IF... What if one day the coveted hair became jet black, cottony masses of hair? Would a group of natural black women meld together into a mass of pretty women? I think not. But is that just because I don't fathom that we possibly all look alike?

Evidence A= all the coil review videos lol. Nah.


  1. congratulations on closing! I know that's gotta be an amazing feeling. My husband and I are aiming to buy one next year, and I hope that the market doesn't go back into full upswing by then. Now is a great time for buyers!

  2. AWESOME... Congratulations. My husband and I bought our first house 2 years ago, and decided to remodel it room by room to concentrate on one area at a time. Hey, its yours and you have a lifetime if you want to do an undo any and everything you can think on to "YOUR" home.

  3. weird is this. I just closed on my first house back in late April!!! The work that goes into house hunting, making sure your finances are in order and all that other stuff kept me MIA for a while too.

    My hair is looking great and growing like crazy.

    Congrats again!!!

  4. Congratulations on your first home!

  5. yay, congrats! it's an interesting process... you're excited at first, then annoyed at this, that, and the other and then finally it's all over and you can begin the move. It's really time consuming but worth it :)

  6. Congrats on the new home. I bought my first home back in February and I'm so happy i did. My little one and I are finally settled in and filling up the space.

    Your hair looks fab!

  7. Congratulations on your new home.


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