Monday, August 5, 2013

Hey, I used to blog here!

Right, the blog. That I have not posted in since APRIL.
MIA is not even the right term. Where have I been?

The last post here was about stress, and overcoming it.  Well the sudden stress at the time came from my decision to go back into the job market after a tumultuous few months at work, and a very sudden and wonderful job offer.  Good news right?  BUT what killed me is that I liked my job, mostly.  I just wanted a bargaining chip and a plan B after some dramatic changes at work which required me to step up into an interim management position for 8 months. I'd literally signed up with one agency, and in less than 2 weeks I got a senior level position offer for over 20% more than I was making.  I felt like the universe was playing a joke on me. I was reeling in disbelief, and then anxiety, and then a bit of bitterness that I'd been selling myself short.  Perhaps, as my uncle, dad, boyfriend and freinds has assured me, I was undervaluing myself. It had been 8 months with no assurances and no new compensation.

So I had a week of number crunching, and tough conversations where I asked for a counter offer without spilling the beans.  I wanted to gauge my worth to make sure I was making the right decision.  And I was.  And I did.  I accepted the new job and gave them 12 days notice.  My first day on the new job was in New York.  On a Tuesday, after working my last day on Monday.  It was crazy.  But I am happier.  More empowered, more secure.  phewww.

BUT, I am also more busy.  I am working about the same amount of hours, but traveling at times, and also keeping my skill-set top notch in my spare time to live up to my new title.  Ya'll, I'm a VP :-)

I'm also enjoying the heck out of a fairly new relationship (since March).  It's stable and fun and kinda wild how it came to be, but it's good.  And, I live in DC ya'll... so ya know.
Its like I found a handsome unicorn, with wings and a pot of gold.

Also.  I got my braces taken off!! 

So then some horrible things happened as well.  My uncle was in a critical motorcycle accident at the very beginning of June.  Against all odds, he hung on for a month in ICU, but the doctors and the family were just keeping him alive.  He wasn't living, and the type of traumatic brain injury he had, accompanied with massive/multiple body damage as well, meant that the chances of him ever coming back to us were nil.  We left him in God's hands and on the 4th of July he stopped suffering

I went home to CT 3 times in July.  And I can tell you this. Flying on a buddy pass is not worth it.  Especially not when you are sad, and exhausted.  It's much less expensive, sure, but you still pay good money for not-a-seat.  And you are the lowliest low of travelers.  Everybody bumps you.  Long story short = it took me 12 hours to get home from a place only a 6 hour drive away.  The last 3 hours of that trip, which was the same day as the funeral, was spent on a Bolt bus after taking a cab with a total stranger (also stranded in Philly on a buddy pass). And this after running TOP SPEED, several times, with a bag, trying to make impossible and improbable connections out of desperation. NEVER again.  shin splints, achilles strained. THIS is what money is for.  To buy your way out of bad situations.  I will pay for a full price actual seat, gladly, going forward.

So in terms of this blog...

I don't know what to do.  Of course I still do a million things with my hair.  My job is more formal and corporate so I have pulled out a few new tricks, a few new products.  But I don't think I can continue to micro-focus on hair. The spirit hasn't moved me to post in all these months amidst a bit of personal change.  I feel like the blog lost the race to like 4 other contenders. 

So I have two ideas:
  1. Keep the blog alive! But augment it with auto posts from Instagram and Facebook so that I don't have to write a post when I have a new style or product to mention. Shorter, sweeter posts and pictures, That leaves me open to write more when I want to, make vids when I want to etc. And keeps the focus on hair and its politics.
  2. Change the blog.  Open it up to more topics so I have the range to talk about what is really going on with me.  I garden, I'm into holistic healthcare, web development, cooking, fashion, etc. I could go to Wordpress and expand my topics.  Wrap it into the work on my career and my more general interests.
What do you guys think? Option 1 or 2?

Here I am in my new office :-) 

And wow is my hair growing :-) I'm going to let it grow and I plan to press it in November. It's heavily layered, but the longest parts are as long as it's ever been.

Meanwhile, please follow me on instagram and on FB. I'm still posting pretty regularly over there!


  1. My condolences to you and your family for your loss and congratulations on your new job. You have shared your hair journey and probably have no idea how many people have enjoyed and been helped by your blog. I love your tutorials and product reviews but also enjoyed your pics of your garden and when you talked a bit about your job so I would select option 2. I would follow your blog no matter what format you selected and can check back here for hair styling ideas & tips. God Bless you and take care!

  2. Glad you are doing well with all of the great (new job new man) :), and some unfortunate changes in your life (my condolences to you and your family). I am glad to see you back on the blog as I have been periodically checking it for new posts. Both are good options, but I prefer option #2.

  3. *sigh* I probably should write an update post now too (new job, new hair), huh? Lol. Part of the lack of activity on the blog is the fact that I only post like, 3x a year or something. HAHA :( (bad blogger!)

    My vote, for whatever it's worth, is DOOWHATCHALIKE. I'll certainly contribute the occasional hair, dog, Pilates, makeup, health, or whatever else post.

    Oh and one more thing, other blogs may have more hype, but IJH is home.

  4. I like your blog because like another commented... it's real and also because I live in DC too. I will support whatever direction you take.

  5. So sorry to hear about your relative. I've been reading IJH ever since the Curly Chronicles shout out on Youtube (which was some time ago). I still get pretty excited WHENEVER you post so do whatever works best for you. Thanks for the update and congrats on the new position.

  6. May I propose # 3...There's a season for everything. Focus on your career and your loved ones.

    Or... #2 would be nice.

    Peace and Blessings <3

  7. You've been living life; experiencing highs and lows. Congrats on the great things that have come your way and also working through the not so great things such as losing your uncle.

    As far as your blog is what makes you comfortable and most importantly do what inspires you.

    Take care!!


  8. Congratulations on your new job!! That is so exciting and inspiring! I choose option 2 as long as you still include hair posts ;D lol. I think there's a need for more black female bloggers to talk about holistic care, fashion, and their careers. I'm at that age (25) when all these things are more important to me than hair! Never thought the day would come LOL!

  9. I am so sorry to hear about all you have gone through. Just know that there isn't a testimony without the test.

    As for the blog, I think you should keep it and open it up to talk about anything and everything.

    congrats on the new job! As someone who has been promoted only 8 months on the new job, I totally get the excitment! Good for you!

  10. Life is ever changing and shifting, etc., etc. So you (we) must do the same! ;-)

    I look forward to your posts, so I'm biased and don't want it to end. So...#2 please.

    So sorry for your loss!
    Congrats on the gig! ;-)

  11. Thank you all for the feed back, kind words and for reading all this time! I'm leaning heavy towards #2. But while I get that set up I'll keep posting here. I have some product updates and picts, as usual :)


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